Show Make up – Click here to see How to do it
Ballet Bun – Click here to see How to make one
Costume and hair check list – Click here
Safeguarding the children at the dress rehearsals and at the shows
Photos and Filming
Professional photographs will be taken at the dress rehearsal and on the shows. These will be individual and group photos. These photos will be available only for families to purchase. They will be put up in an online gallery and only those with the password will be able to view the photos. That will be myself, other DD teachers and pupils families-no one else will have access to the photos.
A professional recording will be taken of the show also, this will be available for parents only to purchase after the show.
During the show and rehearsals, parents, chaperones, helpers will not be allowed to take any photos or videos. This is in order to safeguard the children and also so that the filming of the show can be done at a high quality- flashlights etc may affect the quality of filming. If parents wish to take videos/photos of their child please do so at home without any other children present.
In order to safe guard your child/children at the show all teachers, chaperones and helpers will have a valid DBS check, read and understood our safeguarding policy, and many will also be first aid trained. In order for your child to take part in the show and be left in good hands please read through our Child protection and Safeguarding policy below, and sign the form. Forms must be completed by 30th March.
Please note that any parents that do not have a DBS check and have not read our safeguarding policy will not be allowed back stage at the show or rehearsal on the 15th July.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Dance Dedication – (hereafter ‘DD’) – includes all teachers, chaperones, helpers at the show and rehearsals
DD recognises its duty of care under the Children and Young Persons Act 1963, the Child (Performances) Regulations 1968, the Protection of Children Act 1999 and the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000.
DD is committed to protect children from all forms of harm and abuse, including physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
DD believes that:
– all children have the right to protection from abuse;
– all suspicions and allegations of abuse should be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately;
– all members of DD should be clear on how to respond appropriately.
For the purpose of this policy, a child is defined as a person under the age of 18.
DD will ensure that:
– all children will be treated equally and with respect and dignity;
– the welfare of each child will always be put first;
– bullying will not be accepted or condoned;
– all adult members will provide a positive role model
– action will be taken to stop any inappropriate verbal or physical behaviour
– it will keep up to date with changes in legislation and policies for the protection of children
DD operates the following child protection procedures to accompany this policy.
The Principal (Christina Hadjisavvas) will be responsible for Child Protection and will endeavour to ensure that DD child protection policies and procedures are adhered to.
– The person responsible for child protection will decide when the use of chaperones during a production is appropriate.
– Guidelines for chaperones will then be issued on an ad hoc basis by the person responsible for child protection.
Responsibilities of DD
– Ensure that children are supervised at all times when in their care.
– Identify at the outset of each class/production the person(s) with designated responsibility for child protection for that class/production. (Unless otherwise stated to the contrary, the person responsible for child protection of each individual class is the teacher teaching the class).
Physical Contact
– All adults will apply appropriate physical contact with the children e.g. holding hands.
– Except in an emergency, adults will only touch children when it is absolutely necessary for the activity and the consent of the child will be explicitly sought in advance.
Photos and Other Personal information
– Permission will be sought from a parent/guardian on registration forms for the use of photographic and film material featuring children for promotional, training or other purposes.
– Permission will be sought from a parent/guardian for the disclosure of any personal information that relates to their child through any medium, including the website.
-No photographs or videos are to be taken back stage at any shows/rehearsals by any parents, chaperones, helpers for safeguarding purposes. This includes individual photos-many children will be backstage, and if another child is in the background of a photo without permission from that parent, it breeches our safe guarding policy.
-Only professional photographs on the dress rehearsal and shows are allowed. –Only videos filmed by professionals for the DVD are allowed to be taken. This is after permission from parents.
-If parents wish to take photos/videos of their children in costume, please do so at home without risk of others being in the photo/video.
Suspicion of Abuse
– If you see or suspect abuse of a child while in the care of DD, please make this known to the person with responsibility for child protection. If you suspect that the person with responsibility for child protection is the source of the problem, you should make your concerns known to the Principal (Christina Hadjisavvas).
– Please make a note for your own records of what you suspect or witnessed as well as your response, in case there is any follow-up in which you are involved.
– If a serious allegation is made against any member of DD, chaperone, venue staff etc, that individual will be suspended immediately until the investigation is concluded. The individual will be excluded from the classes, rehearsal rooms, etc. and will not have any unsupervised involvement with any child within the care of DD.
Disclosure of Abuse
If a child confides in you that abuse has taken place:
– Remain calm and in control, but do not delay to take action.
– Listen carefully to what has been said.
– Do not promise to keep it a secret. Make it clear to the child that you will need to share the information with others who need to know and who will be able to help. Take the first opportunity available to share this information with the person with responsibility for child protection.
– Reassure the child that ‘they did the right thing’ in telling someone, and explain what you are going to do next.
– Make a record of what you were told. Note the time, date, names involved/mentioned and with whom you shared the information. Sign and date this record.
Recording of disclosure
The person with responsibility for Child Protection (Christina Hadjisavvas) will ensure that:
– In all situations, (including where a disclosure was made in confidence) the details of an allegation or reported incident will be recorded, regardless of whether the concerns were shared with a statutory child protection agency.
– The record will be securely stored and shared only with those that need to know about the incident.
Rights and Confidentiality
– If a complaint is made against a member of DD, he or she will be made aware of their rights under this policy and of the appropriate disciplinary procedures.
– No matter how you feel about the complaint, all affected parties will have the right to confidentiality. Remember also that any possible criminal investigation could be compromised through inappropriate information being released.
– Remember that in criminal law the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.